Snowmobiling 2025

Don’t know what a boondock is? Never been to Idaho in the winter? Yellowstone Teton Territory has your inner-sledneck covered for ultimate winter experience. Always dependent on snow conditions, Eastern Idaho has unmatched access to public lands, making the region a snowmobiling mecca sought after from across the country.
With consistent and deep snow every winter, and jaw-dropping scenery, the YTT region is an ideal mix of on- and off-trail sledding that provides recreation options for every skill level, family and horsepower junkie.
Snowmobiling hot spots include Island Park, Teton Valley (the Big Hole Mountains), Idaho Falls (Bone/Bonneville), Swan Valley and Kilgore. The biggest trail system is found in Island Park, where you can ride right from your lodging/accommodations to the trail system and backcountry areas. The Bone riding area is just 30 miles east of Idaho Falls and has the second largest groomed trail area.
The Big Hole Mountains, located between Rexburg and Driggs and the Teton Valley, also has hundreds of miles of groomed trails. Kilgore, which hugs the Continental Divide in the northern reaches of Yellowstone Teton Territory, doesn’t have a groomed trails system or lodging but does feature dozens of Forest Service and ranch roads where you can ride.
Many of the groomed and ungroomed trails in Yellowstone Teton Territory lead to Eastern Idaho’s most famous natural features like Mesa Falls, Big Springs, Mt. Jefferson, Mount Two Top, Red Butte →, Thousand Springs Valley → and more.
Download the Yellowstone Teton Territory’s Snowmobiling Guide. It’s your go-to resource for route selection, rental options and insider tips like which bar and grill has the best burger after your ride.

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