Alex Draw To McGary Canyon Trail

Alex Draw Road
Clark County, Idaho
Just east of Spencer there are several routes that will lead you to the Alex Draw to McGary Canyon Trail. You can either take the Three Mile Creek Road north at Threemile Reservour and start on the Lone Pine Pass Trail or you can continue on the road to the Middle-Threemile Trail. This trail will definitely keep you coming back, simply due to all the routes you can take to mix up your adventures. Once on the Alex Draw trail you can go north to Alex Draw Road or turn at Alex Draw East which winds its way to West Steel Creek. Or you can head east to McGary Canyon, eventually coming out on Antelope Valley Road. It also connects to the Goldmine Trail. The Alex Draw To McGary Canyon trail begins at FS 011 and ends at FS 021. It is a designated ORV trail with a 50-inch width restriction.